Archivio: rassegna stampa, testi
Press Review
The Aeneas’ Route Association’s activities had resonance in both national and international press and on the public service broadcasting channels (Rai3 and Radio3), providing an important promotion of the environmental and cultural assets of the region; the press office work carried out by the Association represents an encouragement and a precious opportunity to revive, on a transnational scenario, the promotion of international exchanges, sustainable tourism and local development inside the overall picture of a series of integrated initiatives created by the various communities located on the Mediterranean shores. The common goals are enhancing the perks of each territory, organising cultural and artistic events, supporting values such peaceful cohabitation and meeting, giving an impetus to a common knowledge, boosting high-quality cultural tourism through new and original forms of travel.

The show “Radio di Bordo” airing on RAI’s radio channel Radio1 talked about Aeneas’ Route. A deeper introduction of the project has been presented in the interview to Aeneas’ Route’s president, Giovanni Cafiero, by the RAI Radio3’s journalist Annamaria Giordano for the show “Lovely Planet” of Radio Mondo. The program has also been included in the radio’s platform for schools, in the geography section. Rainews and TG3 Puglia talked about the Association Aeneas’ Route’s project in November 2019:
Among the post Covid19 mentions both on press and audiovideo programs, we want to report:

TG3 Campania on the 2pm edition of the 18th of June 2020 (both mentioned in the opening credits and in a reportage at 12.45)