La rotta di Enea per i giovani
Aeneas Route for young people
aeneas’ route for the younger generations
The cultural itinerary of Aeneas’ route wants to create an interculture space of exchanges and proposals based on themes such identity and enhancement of the Mediterranean cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible, with the goal of reinforcing the commitment of the new generations in promoting the intercultural dialogue.
This exhibition was born within the “Aeneas Route” Erasmus+ Blended Intensive
Programme, an innovative pilot project, which aims to ideally retrace the journey of the mythical hero
Aeneas from Troy to the coasts of Latium. It involves 24 students and more than 10 teachers affiliated
with six Universities from all the Countries along Aeneas’ route and from Ireland: besides Siena
University, Koç University Istanbul, Aristotle University Thessaloniki, Tirana University, Carthage
University and Trinity College Dublin. It is also termed “Blended” because it is implemented in
blended modality, partly online (Virtual Exchange) and partly in person (Physical Mobility).
virtual component of the programme came to an end last June 3, while the second part of the project
will take place from 5 to 9 September 2022. It will see all the students and some teachers converge
in Siena, together with some experts, for a Summer School, in order to resume in presence the
activities on Aeneas’ Route, as a symbol of the long road that Mediterranean peoples have travelled
From March to June, working online in eight transnational groups, the students developed
various research lines in an interdisciplinary perspective, ranging from Greek and Latin literature,
ancient history, archaeology, art history, to communication and valorization of the Mediterranean
heritage, while the societal challenges of this project focused on conflict and migration of the
Mediterranean area, not to mention its future environmental sustainability.
The PowerPoints they
have already presented during the online sessions of the Virtual Exchange, as final products of their
group research activity, have now been summarized in a few key points and ‘condensed’ in posters.
It is therefore a true pleasure to present the open access Virtual Exhibition "Through the Eyes
of Young People". Across eight virtual panels, the wider public now has the possibility of exploring
Aeneas’ route through the eyes of our students and from their different points of view. Special thanks
to all of theme for their commitment in realizing these posters and to the Aeneas Route Association
for hosting this exhibition on their website.
Have a nice virtual journey!
Filomena Giannotti (University of Siena)
by Jasmin Chebil (Carthage), Hale Berrin Karaca (Istanbul), Lucy Walaszek (Dublin)
by Francesca Caponi (Siena), Ayşe Deniz Meşe (Istanbul), Georgia Plomaritou (Thessaloniki)
by Agnese Colarizi Graziani (Siena), Frenk Peza (Tirana), Evangelos Tsigaridis (Thessaloniki)
by Nour El Houda Ben Abdallah (Carthage), Enejda Mertiri (Tirana), Eleni Voutsa (Thessaloniki)
by Alessio Anichini (Siena), Ufuk Önay (Istanbul), Andrea Pambuku (Tirana)
by di Duru Durmaz (Istanbul), Roxanne Zaroff (Dublin), Eya Yatouji (Carthage)
by Francesca Chiodo (Siena), Dimitra Rossidou (Thessaloniki), Margaret Sizeland (Dublin)
by Mateo Profka (Tirana), Nina Spens (Dublin), Ziyed Harrek (Carthage)
Aeneas in Rome of the Present | Prezi – Link
Enea oggi
- Viaggiare sulle tracce di Enea
- Enea: leggere, osservare, ascoltare
- La rotta di Enea per i giovani
- Bibliografia, pubblicazioni, ricerche, progetti