Aeneas Route
aeneas route
Aeneas’ route in the Vergilian poem creates a connection with the heroes and the Homeric tale of Troy’s war narrated in the Iliad poem.
Aeneas is not the hero of strength and wisdom. He’s the hero of empathy, hospitality and Mediterranean blending, which expanded itself with the help of institutions common to most of the known world of that period. Aeneas’ role, in the encountering process of cultural diversities, can be considered a symbol that foresee the goals of the Council of Europe: developing a European and Mediterranean identity founded on shared values. Meeting with other communities with common institution doesn’t oppose to being faithful to your own city, family, and spiritual traditions.
The route passes several UNESCO sites (Troy, Delos, Butrint, Carthage, Rome), national parks (Mount Ida in Turkey, the National Park of Butrint in Albany), to reach Lazio and Rome, city symbol of the European Union thanks to the famous Treaty of Rome.
Per ogni località si deve aprire una o più ulteriori pagine con testi – foto – video – ecc:
Troia, Antandros, Ainos-Enez (Turchia), Delos, Creta, isole Strofadi, Leucade (Grecia), Butrinto (Albania), Castro (Italia), Drepanon (Italia), Cartagine (Tunisia), Cuma- Pozzuoli, (Italia), Gaeta (Italia), Lavinium (Italia), Roma.